Refunds & Returns

Refunds & Returns

Welcome to the return and refund policy for Oxatim’s online shop. We value your trust and strive to ensure our customers’ satisfaction. Below are our terms and procedures regarding returns and refunds.

1. Return of goods

1.1 If you are not satisfied with the quality or condition of the goods received from us, you have the right to return them within 10 days of receiving your order.
1.2 To make a return, please contact our customer service team at [contact details] and provide the order number and reason for the return.
1.3 The goods must be in their original packaging and condition, with all labels and accessories intact.
1.4 If it is necessary to return the goods, the customer must pay all costs associated with mailing the goods back to us. These costs include the cost of delivery and any additional associated costs.

2. Refund

2.1 Upon receipt and inspection of the returned goods, we will issue a refund to your account within [Specify number of days] working days.
2.2 Refunds will be made to the same payment method used when placing the order, unless otherwise agreed.

3. exceptions

3.1 Certain goods may be excluded from the refund and return procedure in accordance with applicable law.
3.2 Goods that have been improperly used, damaged or altered by the consumer are non-returnable.

4. feedback

4.1 If you have any questions or comments regarding the return of goods or refunds, please contact us via [contact details].
We are committed to transparency and customer satisfaction in the returns and refund process. We encourage you to read this policy carefully before placing an order.